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Beyond the Barriers Page 23

  When I joined the group, they stretched out fingers to touch me. I shook hands, but we remained silent. Then, like wraiths, we moved to other cages and lifted them or broke locks. Some picked up weapons and took out any of the wandering dead. Thumps in the nights, no cries or groans, just bodies falling to the ground.

  If one caught wind of what we were doing, there was someone to put an end to them. The sound of thunks and metal grinding on metal were all I could hear. It was so hard to keep from running. Every extra noise had me on edge, biting my lip and fearing we would be caught.

  Within moments, the dead lay all around us. Some of the living had their eyes set on the small housing spaces, and they had a hollow look, like they were already dead, or they expected to die. I grabbed one by the upper arm and hissed in his ear.

  “If you go in there, you’ll raise an alarm. They’ll bring an army down on us.” The man was large, grim. He was covered in blood, and I wondered whose it was. Rain pelted his bald head and ran rivers down his hard cheekbones. If I saw this person from afar, I would have suspected him of being a zombie.

  “They killed my son. They dragged him out and butchered him like he was cattle. He screamed the whole time. The next day they killed my wife. For that, I want to kill every one of those abortions.” His voice was choked with emotion, but his eyes were flat black orbs.

  “Listen to me. It’s suicide. If we get out of this, we can come back when we are better organized. We can come back with guns, and we can hunt them down. Cleanse this place.”

  The man stared at me for a long moment. Scott joined me, and his eyes were filled with concern. He touched my shoulder and motioned for the woods a few hundred feet away. Haley was at his side. She tried to smile, but it was halfhearted.

  I was scared too, and wanted nothing more than to run, but I felt the need to get these people away from this death camp. I was sick and tired of being on the run all the time, but what choice did we have? The moment we woke up the ghouls in this hive, we would be dead. Hundreds of zombies led by ghouls would make short work of our group.

  I looked at the dirty faces of young and old, men and women. We were a pitiful sight. Some had open wounds and wouldn’t survive much longer, but they would at least have a chance. If we went in blazing with what few weapons we had, it would be over before it started.

  “Pass the word.” I gathered the man and Scott close to me. “Once we are free of here, we will come back with weapons and a plan. We will burn this place to the ground. No one will ever fear this area again.”

  They both nodded, but I couldn’t tell if they believed me or not. Maybe they just wanted a shred of hope to overcome the desire to kill. I had the very same feelings, but I suppressed them and focused on getting us out of here.

  There were nods all around, and before they could even finish passing my words back, I was on the move. I grabbed Scott, and we took off for the woods. We tried to stay low, but it was hard to see in the dark. We moved across the ground, hiding behind what cover we could find. Stacks of wood and rotted enclosures provided a slim hope of staying out of sight.

  Rain continued to pelt the survivors. Everyone was slow and sluggish, including me. I felt like I was beaten down, and I hadn’t even started in the woods. Glancing up at the moon, I tried to figure out where I was, but there was barely a splash of white through the heavy clouds.

  It was almost impossible to see anything ahead of us. Scott seemed at home moving at night, staying out of the line of those things’ eyes. It wasn’t easy, but someone who paid attention could do it. We had to be aware of our surroundings at all times. We had to be ready for the creature that stumbled around a corner. And it was just such a creature that almost proved our undoing.

  Scott moved ahead of the group, while I hung back and kept an eye on the survivors. There were fifteen or twenty of us, and we were all worn to the bone. The others in the cage—I didn’t know how long they had been there. Each was filthy and smelled terrible. I was no cleaner, I’m sure, but I had only been locked in the place for a few days. I don’t know how long they were in there.

  As I helped an older woman to her feet, I heard a loud grunt from ahead.

  Scott grappled with someone in the dark, so I dashed ahead and found it was one of the dead. A man about my size, missing the top of his skull. He was dressed in rags, and reminded me of one of the caged people we had helped free. I went after him, but I was so weary it was hard to put one foot in front of the other, let alone think about fighting.

  Scott went down, and I was there to help. Grabbing the zombie by the pants, I hauled him off. It was like picking up a ton of potatoes. The zombie swung his arm back, but I batted at it and pushed him aside. I reached for Scott, but recoiled when he stuck his arm out.

  “I’m not fucking bit.”

  “You sure?”

  “Oh, I’m sure. I would know if I got some skin ripped off.”

  The guy was trying to get back up, so I pushed him down by driving my foot into his ass. He went flat and cried out in a low moan, but started to move again soon after. I grabbed Scott by the arm and helped him to his feet. He brushed at his soaking wet clothing lamely.

  Then Scott stepped on the back of the man’s head. I have seen a lot of pain and suffering since I returned to the world, but there was something sickening about the way the zombie’s head was crushed into the dirt. The way it mushed and the bones ground together.

  Scott looked rather pleased with himself. I shook my head and moved on.

  Staring back at the camp, I felt rage flood my body. Maybe it was from the death of the undead that I had just witnessed, but I wanted nothing more than to go back and annihilate the camp. If I had a big enough gun, I would have done just that, even if it meant me dying.

  The woods were a canopy of misery. Sounds came from all around us as the rain continued to fall.

  Haley was waiting for us inside the woods. She gave me a questioning look, but I shook my head. We pressed on, me in the lead as I tried to be a leader. I had no idea where I was, and there wasn’t even a moon to follow. How long had I been in the cage and never thought to mark the passage of our one orbital body? Or maybe I had and hunger and exhaustion had simply stolen away my memories, made me weak and confused.

  I struck out between a pair of trees that led down a slight hill. At the bottom, we came across a stream. I almost wept in relief; at last, water!

  I ran toward it, but slowed when I nearly tripped over something on the wet ground. Under the leaves and fallen branches, something crunched. As I drew close, the darkness played tricks on my eyes. Studying the ground, I thought I saw bones. They had to be branches or sticks, but it must have been the stress of being around all the dead things that did it to me.

  The smell was the second hint. It hit me like a weight, as the scent went from clean rain and forest to rot.

  As I closed in on the riverbed, I tripped on something and went down. I stuck my hands out, but I still hit pretty hard. The breath whooshed out of me, and when I got one back in, I regretted it. Slowly, I looked around the place where I had fallen, a few inches from the edge of the water. It was littered with bones.

  Scott gave a low groan, as if in pain.

  * * *

  We huddled close to the water as we fought to catch our breath. I stared at the slow stream as it meandered by, wishing more than anything I could drink from it. The bones of the dead were everywhere. Chunks of meat and rotted tissue made a slippery surface for us to navigate.

  Sounds to the side, near the break in the woods, caught my attention. A voice hissed at us. I turned to regard the approaching cluster of people. They stared at us, and I stared back. Scott must have recognized one of them, because he rose on shaky legs and approached them. They talked quietly. It was still dark, but I saw his head turn toward the stream, then toward us. He shook his head. The group of three moved off.

  “Friends?” I inquired when Scott rejoined us.

  “From another enclave. We used to
trade with them. I can’t remember names but one of the guys was familiar. They are going deep in the woods. Lick their wounds. I don’t think they want company.”

  I wondered if it was better for us to stick together. We would make more noise crashing through the forest, surely making ourselves a larger target for the ghouls to track. I started thinking of tactics against the undead.

  In my years in the military, I was trained to think like that. Had I forgotten so much? Though tired, barely able to rise to my feet, we crept off into the night and away from the water and its filth. One drink from that stream would probably be the end of us.

  * * *

  As we walked, I went over old training exercises and tried to apply them to this situation. We were outnumbered, so guerrilla tactics would be best. Stay light and mobile, scope out the enemy, and only engage when we had the advantage. So strike one. We had neither the advantage in weapons nor the ability to hide and move, for we had no idea where we were.

  We had nothing in the way of weaponry, but like all good primates, we could scrounge up clubs or staffs from fallen branches. My focus swept the ground as we staggered through the woods. I finally found something useful: a heavy stick about three feet long with a large knot in the end.

  It was just in time too, as a walking corpse stumbled from between two trees. I stepped toward it so I was no longer in the light. He or she was still a few feet away, but I had to be sure. It could be a refugee from the camp—someone like us who spent days or maybe weeks in captivity and was now trying to survive.

  The weird preternatural glow to the thing’s eyes gave it away. Not quite a ghoul, but still brighter than the dead we had encountered thus far. I didn’t need any further prompting. I swung the stick around in nothing approaching a graceful manner. The club came up in an arc that stretched from my knees to my shoulders, driving the heavy end into the zombie’s head.

  It went over without making a sound and didn’t move. Panting in the dark, I stood over it and worked on catching my breath.

  There was nothing quiet about our steps as we crashed through the forest. We took to the woods and let our fading adrenaline drive us along. I didn’t have much left, and I couldn’t imagine they had much more than I did.

  What I wouldn’t give for a hot bath, a bottle of ibuprofen, and a six pack of cheap beer.

  We moved for as long as we could before Haley begged a break. I panted beside her until I caught my breath again. Then I put my hand on her shoulder in what I hoped was a comforting manner. She reacted by covering my large hand in her cold slim one. Her eyes were large and glistened in the dark, as if she had been crying. I stood like a big dumb oaf, wondering if she wanted a hug or something.

  She sat down on a log and stared back in the direction from which we had come. Scott dropped down beside her.

  I sat as well, even though I was afraid I would never be able to get up again. I picked the most uncomfortable-looking section of the log, leaned over, and tried to catch my breath. Scott did the same next to me, as did Haley. She was having trouble breathing, but when I looked over at her she was still looking away, back toward the camp we had fled. I wondered what her thoughts were, but I kept mine to myself.

  A bunch of black bulbs caught my eye. Reaching down, I pulled one up and studied it. I was tired and couldn’t afford to make a mistake, but we needed something to eat. After turning the mushroom around in my hand, I popped it in my mouth.

  Scott looked over and gave a gasp as I chewed. I shot him my best grin and pulled up another one.

  “You fucking crazy, man?”

  “It’s okay,” I assured him. “Black Trumpet is an edible mushroom. We need the protein.”

  He looked at the thing then touched it with his tongue. He recoiled, but then he stuck it in his mouth and chewed, keeping his eyes scrunched the entire time as if he were indeed eating poison. I would have thought a survivor of one of the worst events in the history of the human race would have a bigger pair, and expressed my thoughts. I was dog-tired but didn’t want to miss a chance to rib my friend. It was all in jest, and I thought it might take the edge off our situation.

  “Whatever, man. I bet I can whip up some dog shit tacos you wouldn’t look at twice,” he countered. Haley looked on but didn’t say a word.

  Her face was paler than I remembered, so I moved my hand to touch her forehead to check for fever, but she moved aside before I could make contact. She sat back, away from us, and wedged herself into the crossing of two large tree trunks. I tried to meet her gaze, but she didn’t let me. Instead, she closed her eyes.

  I didn’t blame her. I was cold and tired too, but we had to stay alert. It wouldn’t hurt to let her keep her eyes closed for a few minutes.

  Movement to my left. I caught the shadow of something just as Scott jerked his head to follow it. We might not have had weapons, but that didn’t stop Scott from picking up a large branch. He put it over his shoulder and gripped the haft with both hands. If he was anywhere near as exhausted as I was, he might get one solid swing out of the hunk of wood.

  I dropped into something close to a combat stance and got ready to fight if I had to. Lucky for us, it was just one of the mindless wandering by. Its shiny bald head passed between a break in the branches and then moved on. I exhaled as quietly as possible and wondered if the things even had decent hearing. For all I knew, the zombies were deaf mutes that relied on something else to sense those around them.

  I was so tired that I started daydreaming about men in white coats who surrounded a pair of zombies bound in shackles. They poked and prodded, and one even used a pair of pliers to snip off a fingertip. The thing moaned and groaned but didn’t acknowledge the pain.

  Shaking my head, I snapped out of it. Was there a place in the city where they made a study of the dead? Was there a clinic that was looking for some sort of cure? The government had to be in control of something. They had to have a plan. Was this really how the human race was meant to go out? In a flash of undead that devoured the world? I refused to believe it.

  Scott nodded at me, so I reached down and urged Haley to her feet. She sighed as I helped her up, then looked at me with blank eyes. I tried to look reassuring, but it was a struggle that she didn’t bother to acknowledge. When I reached to touch her head again, she did not pull away. She was hot, like she was running a fever, probably from all the running. Not to mention living in filth and cold for days. I shouldn’t be surprised she was getting sick. When was the last time she had eaten?

  “Let’s roll, hombre,” Scott said, and I nodded.

  I tugged Haley along behind me, and her tiny hand burned in mine. We headed in the direction I hoped was away from the camp. The rain fell again, and it just added to the misery. I stumbled over a fallen branch, then slid across a pile of leaves that gave out as I stepped on them. My foot got stuck every time I squished over a mud hole. My shoes were a mess, but at least I still had them. They grew heavier and heavier as they accumulated more and more gunk.

  I ran smack into someone or something and threw a halfhearted punch. It was a jab with little force behind it and, of course, I missed by a mile. The figure stumbled back and held his hands up. He hissed at me, and I dropped my arms to my sides. Another survivor.

  “It’s me, from the cage. Name’s Jack.”

  I remembered him from not so long ago. He was the one who wanted to go back and destroy as many of the ghouls as he could in a suicide mission. I stretched out one exhausted arm and placed it on his shoulder. Somehow, I managed a nod that I hoped was somewhat friendly.

  “Nice to meet you, Jack. Welcome to the boy scouts from hell.”

  “And girl scouts,” Haley muttered.

  He gave a sharp chuckle at her gallows humor. Scott slid up beside me and studied the man in the dark.

  “Where are the others you escaped with?” Scott asked.

  “I don’t know. We ran together, but I got separated and backtracked. I think there’s a road around here somewhere. Seems like wh
en they brought us in, we weren’t too far from some houses or maybe a farm.”

  “A farm? Hiding out there would be appropriate,” I said.

  “Huh?” Scott looked at me like I was crazy—again.

  “Like the old zombie movies. People boarding up houses and hiding out while the dead figure out ways to get in.”

  “You are one morbid mother fucker, you know that?” Scott said.

  I shook my head and pointed into the dark. How much longer until light? If the dawn arrived, we might have a better chance, but the dead would also have a better chance at finding us. Stepping away from the men, I assumed they would follow, while I let my instincts guide me toward who knew what.

  * * *

  The sound of birds tweeting all around us was reassuring. It gave the air a sense of normalcy, as if we were on a camping trip and not running for our lives. For the past hour, we’d made our way through the woods, hoping we weren’t going in circles.

  Jack was a big man, but he seemed to have more energy than either of us. He crashed through whatever we came across with a sense of purpose, like he was on a mission. I admired his drive, since mine was all but gone. When was the last time I’d had a real meal? The few mushrooms sat in my stomach and made me queasy, because they demanded company. But the night held little in the way of relief. I came across another patch of mushrooms, but I didn’t recognize them. They taunted me, and for one crazy minute, I imagined them sautéed and placed atop a massive porterhouse steak.

  We were sitting with our backs to trees on a slight incline. I wanted to close my eyes and sleep for a few hours, but I settled for drifting off, then shaking my head when I had waking dreams. The thought of sleeping was tantalizing. It would be so easy to just let it go and drift off for a while, but there was no telling what all was out there or if they hunted us. An hour ago, we had heard a scream in the distance. We looked at each other with wide eyes. My back broke out in goose bumps.